Wednesday, March 24, 2010

12 months later

So its almost been 12 months since bubba was born. As expected there have been lots of ups and downs that have come with that, but most of all, lots of smiles from my gorgeous boy. I really could not have hoped for a better kid. He is almost always happy and smiling. He has really grown into his personality of late, although a very cheeky one at that. He still has blue eyes and blonde hair, slightly curly. Absolutely adorable. He's not quite walking by himself just yet, but he seems quite content wizzing around using furniture or holding onto my fingers.

Me in the last 12 months. hmmm.. Lots and lots of ups and downs, but to be honest, bubba has helped me through all of them. I can be as stressed and upset as anything, then is ee him smile and i cant help but smile and appreciate what i do have right in front of me. They say that you dont know what unconditional love is until you have a child, and to be honest, i completely agree with them. The smile that you get in the morning when you get him from the cot or when he's playing with a toy and he looks over at me and gives me a cheeky but proud grin, i cant help but feel grateful, happy and content. As much as i still sometimes wish that i still lived a childless life, there is no way that i would change it for the world. He has changed me for the better, what more could i ask for.

This weekend will be his 1st bday party and his christening. Bubba Challum, i do hope that you enjoy your day entirely. It is for you. I know that you wont remember it in the future, but there are many, many more bdays to come for you to enjoy just as much.

As of his last check up, he is weighing approximately 9 and a half kilos and his is 94cm long. He has 4 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth so far. He is still lilly white. lol. But he is my precious boy.

Oh. He had also at some point learnt to undo his nappy. So too my suprise one day after lunch when i went to go in and get him from his afternoon nap to see him playing with is poo.. Hmm what a family trait to have chosen bubba. lol. Luckily for me, he hadnt painted the cot with it, just hes sheet. What a clever boy i have.

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