Thursday, October 15, 2009

you know what.. im really starting to hate the male race.. ever since being pregnant all ive heard is "oh your pregnant" then woof there gone.. the sad thing is after having bubs.. things got even worse.. i think i have heard every lie and every excuse there is not to date a chick. I honestly never thought that people were so shallow and superficial, but have come to learn that they are. Yeah everyone knows that ive put on weight. is what happens when when your blood pressure goes for a loop during your pregnancy and your not only swollen and have tree trunks for legs, but you feel bigger then a whale.. and then people think they have the right to tell you 6 months after having a baby that your fat.. seriously.. where the fuck do you get off telling me that im fat.. have you looked in the mirror lately.. your no cup of tea other fuck head.. like my confidence already wasnt at a low being the weight that im already at. and still not getting used to it. And i am seeing a personal trainer and working out and trying to watch what i eat as much as i can. But are you a single parent trying to raise a kid on your own??? no.. well step the fuck back and dont try and lecture me on my weight until your in my situation.. and yeah id love to be skinny, but im not a celebrity that can afford to hire a nanny so that i can sit there and have a trainer come to my house and a plastic surgeon on call to do an immediate lipo suction on me.. im in the real world you dicks, where real people gain weight and arent the size of twig. And i didnt choose to gain weight, and i ate healthy all throughout my pregnancy so dont lecture me on what i should be eating either.. how bout you go back to your fantasy land where everyones a super model and leave me the fuck alone.. atleast there your opinions are wanted..


Brad Rowden said...
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Brad Rowden said...

Good post.

I've become aware of several women within the last few months, who have encountered nasty people telling them how fat they are, and I really have no idea how people think that helps the situation.

In most of the cases I am describing, the "fat" lady involved has nothing more than a bit of pudge - and that's not a bad thing.

Oh yeah, the person instigating the "fat" comments - yeah, you guessed it, not so hot themselves.

I am not sure of what society is becoming, but I sure don't like it. :(